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2 min read
Crystal Healing: How do I use my Crystals?
History According to Plato the Atlanteans used crystals to read minds and transmit thoughts.[The first historical documentation of...
3 min read
Cleansing & Charging your crystals.
Why should I cleanse my crystals? Crystals have natural vibrations which are believed to heal our mind body and soul. We cleanse all our...
2 min read
Crystals for calming anxiety and stress.
We’ve a list of crystals, aromatherapy and holistic tools to help you feel calm and rested.You can get all these items individually or...
2 min read
Meditation: A beginners guide
Meditation It doesn't have to be a preceded place or fancy space. you can literally wake up and lie still for a few moments before you...
1 min read
Crystals for ME, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome
A collection of crystals specifically for illnesses associated with energy disorders and lack of energy. Quartz Master Healer. Can...
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