Have you ever heard of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas? It is one of the lesser known Pagan festivals despite the fact it has been celebrated in the UK and Ireland for hundreds if not thousands of years and was probably an important date in our ancestors calendar!
With deep Celtic roots, Lughnasadh and Lammas are technically different celebrations with the former being a celebration of the Irish god Lugh and his stepmother Tailtui a wonderful Irish and Celtic goddess of the Earth who make up one of the primary Celtic Triads with goddess Danu and goddess Anu. The latter is technically a Christian festival, it's name coming from the old english word meaning "Loaf Mass." What both festivals have in common is their celebration of the first grain harvest and the subsequent abundance and fertility of this time. It is likely Lammas was a Christianised form of the original Lughnasa celebration, a practice often used by the Christian church to incorporate aspects of traditional culture into new Christians lives.
This wonderful celebration of first fruits, abundance, joy and plentifullness can be an excellent way for us to honour the earth and it's cycles and be mindful of what stage in the year we are. Summer is still in full swing and we are reaping the benefits. So, you might ask, how can we incorporate crystals into this tradition? With crystals often symbolising different energies and powers, we can bring a little bit of this abundant magic into our daily lives and practice, harnessing the beautiful energy of this time.
A Crystal to Wear
Carnelian pendant can be found here
Carnelian- the ultimate crystal of abundance, passion and creativity. This crystal has been worn and used by humans for over 4,500 years with Ancient Sumerians and Egyptians fashioning in into jewellery and amulets of protection. Wear this to bring the joyful energy of Lughnasa to life, associated with the root chakra so thought to bring positive energy and excitement into your life, while boosting your creative energies and inviting in passion.
A crystal to use in your practice
Unakite palmstone can be found here
Traditionally a stone of love and fertility, Unakite is a crystal of the heart chakra, said to help clear out negative emotions and feelings. Use this crystal in yoga, meditation or your mindfulness practice to help promote love and happiness while clearing away any lingering negative emotions, leaving space for new growth
a crystal to place in your space
Semi Polished Natural Citrine Point found here
Citrine is a powerful crystal of good fortune and luck. Often associated with manifestation and raising your energy levels due to it's sunny and uplifting properties and its association with the solar plexus and sacral chakras, this is a great crystal to place in your space, near your bed or workplace or even on your altar space ( if you have one), especially if you are redecorating your altar for Lughnasa, to bring a bit of fortune and good energy into a place you spend your time.
We hope this has inspired you to go out and look into Lughnasa/Lammas more and maybe celebrate or use any of these crystals mentioned during this lovely celebration. All of these crystals are available on the website in lots of different product types. Use code CRYSTALS10 to take 10% off your next order with free UK postage and package for orders over £20.
Love & Light
-The Crystal Shop