Get your birthstones as a set of your three crystals with a description of your stones in a small pouch.
Some of the stones may be polished and some natural. The pouch colour varies.
March 21st - April 20th
The Aries zodiac sign is the 1st sign of the zodiac. The Aries people are willful, feisty, self-centered, courageous, bold, foolhardy, independent and straightforward.
Spiritual & emotional balancer. Facilitates re-birthing process. Good for healthy reproductive system & pregnancy.
“Temple of the Stars”.Enhances patience, clears the mind & can increase psychic ability. Reduces stress and anxiety. For Aries, encourages positive communication and Keeps them connected to love ones which their independent spirit can push away.
Master Healer. Dissipates negative energy. Stimulates the memory and clears the mind. Treats chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles. Powerful stone for Aries as it focuses their feisty behaviours and creates clear and willfull purpose.
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