RARITY - Amethyst with specific elements.
Price per tumblestone.
Healing:Associated with the thrid eye and crown chakra, said to aid heachaches and insomnia. Can help calm hyperactivity. Said to keep anxieties and agitation low. Auralite 23 helps to balance and realign ones resonance. Auralite 23 is also said to help to cleanse and purify, acknowledging and releasing deeply held negative patterns of anxiety and resentment. Allows one to view life with a positive, open, loving awareness.
Cool Facts: Auralite 23 is the name given to a chevron form of Amethyst from the Boreal forest area of Canada. It is said to contain up to 35 elements which include, Aluminium, Calcium, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Sulphur and Titanium. These elements are found in within this crystal as inclusions of various minerals such as Bornite, Cacoxenite, Hematite, Magnesite and Rutile, to name a few.
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