Beautiful Mica Bead Bracelet, with stunning purple and white hues
Lithium Mica
Third Eye Chakra
Holistic Healing:
Believed to aid with symptoms of bi-polar disorder and menopause. Associated with aiding digestion and the heart. Thought to relieve allergies and symptoms of epilepsy and Alzheimer's.
Metaphysical Traditions:
This crystal is thought to stabilise moods and emotions. It is associated with the Third Eye Chakra - alleviating tension & despondency, whilst providing direction and diplomacy.
Cool Facts: Lepidolite is high in Lithium and Mica. Traces of Manganese causes the crystal's pink to purple hue.
Composition: K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2
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#stability #direction #calm #insight #stress
Purple Mica Lepidolite Bead Bracelet
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