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"Melody Stone"

Parent Stone - Super Seven. 

All Chakras


Holistic Healing:

An extremely rare mineral with several crystals in one.

The crystals are:

Amethyst - for calm

Cacoxenite - for deep meditation

Goethite - for powerful grounding

Lepidocrocite - for soothing the heart

Rutile - for light and power

Smoky Quartz - for protection

Quartz - the Master Crystal


Metaphysical Traditions:

A high frequency crystal, believed to provide deep spiritual insight and access to one’s higher self. The combination of crystals are associated with intense mental clarity and expansion of the mind, body and spirit. Whilst also providing protective and grounding energies, aiding in a secure and comfortable deep state of meditation.


Super Seven or sometimes named Melody Stone is surrounded by controversy. 


The history of Super Seven Stones dates back to the late 20th century when it was discovered in the Holy Spirit Espírito Santo region of Brazil. Miners stumbled upon these unusual stones while excavating a mine for amethyst and quartz. They asked Melody, a world-renowned scientist and an authority on working with the energies of the crystal and mineral kingdom to name their crystal find. (She wrote a bestselling book “Love is in the Earth” and a lot of Crystal healing practises are based on her books.)

After supposed testing took place and the trademark was filed in 2014 for Melody's Stone and canceled in 2021. The trademark for Super Seven was filed in 2007 and is still active. The following minerals were said to be present in true “Super Seven. “


Amethyst-SiO2 w/Fe2 

Cacoxenite-Fe24 AlO6 (PO4)17(OH)12 75H20



Lepidocrocite-Fe203 H2O, 

Rutile-TiO2 or FeTiO3

Smokey Quartz-SiO2 with impurities/natural irradiation


While Melody has said that not every single stone physically contains all 7 components or their varieties, she suggests that all stones from the genuine location in Espírito Santo, Brazil carry the energy of super 7. This mine is currently flooded and underwater. Therefore any pure true “Super seven” should already be on the market. 


However this is where the controversy begins - Experts now believe the Cacoxenite inclusions in Super 7 are actually Goethite. It is said that Cacoxenite can never form in Amethyst as there is no phosphorus in the environments in which they crystallized.

The issue is that Cacoxenite contains Phosphorous. Its chemical formula is
Fe3+24AlO6(PO4)17(OH)12 · 75H2O. The P is Phosphorous. The issue continues that experts have not found Amethyst in any environment where there is Phosphorous.

There is no scientific evidence that Cacoxenite forms in Amethyst. There is also no scientific evidence that proves today's Super 7 does contain all the minerals it claims.

Since the flooding of the Holy Spirit mine took place, there has been said to be other discoveries of “Super Seven” . One was in the northern state of Bahia in Brazil, while the other was a small mine in India. Neither one of these locations have found authentic Super Seven, and are actually the main reason why the market has “Super Five” (supposedly amethyst, cacoxenite?, hematite, golden healer which is hematite? and clear quartz.) and “Super Six” (Supposedly Amethyst, Cacoxenite?, Goethite, Clear Quartz, Hematite and Smoky Quartz.) crystals today. The mines in both these countries believed that they had found a new mineral and coined a derivative name, like that of their so called “parent stone”.

However if Amethyst cant be found with cacoxenite and it is in fact Goethite - what is the seventh mineral? Or Sixth? Or fifth? 


Some suggest Hematite is the seventh mineral. But this is essentially already contained and mentioned.

Perhaps With the exclusion of Amethyst in a “Super Seven” you can then have Cacoxenite inclusions. As Cacoxenite can be found in Quartz. 


Without testing each individual crystal, you are unable to determine the mineral content of each specific piece. We are using such definitive terms to number these minerals in the “super seven” trade name. 

Whether the original “Super Seven” from Brazil ever had the seven named minerals is impossible to prove when the above scientific requirements for it to exist says the contrary. One can only assume a misidentification of Cacoxenite int he original “super Seven”. 


Our current stock of “Melody Stone” comes with all the disclaimers above. We do not call these stones “Super Seven” as they are not from the Holy Spirit mine and do not contain the supposed seven minerals in each stone. I would be amazed if any of the original stone still remains available. 

Our “Melody stone” as I called them, are highly energetic and contain a multitude of inclusions in a mixture of the below. As with even Melody - who states not all “super Seven” has all seven inclusions. Numbering the inclusions is therefore unnecessary.

What I can say is these stones have rare and magnificent inclusions and are wonderful in any collection. Wonderful stones with wisps of amethyst, some with more smokey quartz and more rutile. Some even have tourmaline looking inclusions. All are stunning.

Melody Stone "Super Seven" Gemstone Chip Bracelets - Super Rare

Only 1 left in stock

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