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Get your birthstones as a set of your three crystals with a description of your stones in a small pouch.

Some of the stones may be polished and some natural. The pouch colour varies.



August 22nd - September 23rd


The Virgo zodiac sign is the 6th sign of the zodiac. The Virgos are discriminating, obsessive, realistic, analytical, reliable, self-contained, knowledgeable, predictable, obsessive, discriminating, street-smart, detailed and modest people.



Aids in healing disorders of the throat and vocal cords. Aids communication and confidence in speaking. Balances endocrine sstem and strenghtens metabolism. Helps one to arrive at logical conclusions and eliminate confusion. Provides direction with a lightness of heart



“Dream Stone”. Helps one to remember dreams to build dream vision. Provides confidence and self esteem. Virgo needs this to boost their self worth, often over analytical of themselves before others.



“Stone of Prosperity”. Brings the gift of life & fulfils dreams & desires.Lets Virgo see their worth and be happy chasing dream rather than settling for the practical way. 



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